DAVID Web Service client using Java ============================================= The sample client files contain Java source code showing you how to connect DAVID Web service and generate your reports in no time. 1. Download JavaClient-1.1.zip from DAVID webservice site: http://david.abcc.ncifcrf.gov/webservice/sample_clients/JavaClient-1.1.zip 2. Extract the downloaded zip file to your working directory: $JavaClient 3. Go to $JavaClient directory and compile the client java files by typing the following command line: "javac -cp ".:lib/*" sample\session\client\ChartReportClient.java" Run the client class file by typing the following command line: "java -cp ".:lib/*" sample.session.client.ChartReportClient demolist2.txt" Check the generated text report file in your working directory 4. Edit ChartReportClient.java to make your own client java files in $JavaClient\sample\session\client\ 5. Compile and run your own client java files in your $JavaClient directory